
The interdisciplinary team consists of involved as well as associated partners. Industrial partners closely work together with scientific partners to optimize the projects results in scientific and application-related terms. End-users will accompany the project from a HEMS and a political point of view.

Associated partners will ensure the quality of the results so that political consequences and aims can be drawn out of the project at an early stage.

Project coordinator is antwortING consulting company, who focus on demand-based resource planning and allocation solutions as well as consulting services for the emergency management sector, public bodies and the industry, offering support for personnel, organizational and conceptual challenges.

Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI supports experts of emergency response by providing its software “MobiKat” which supplies situational awareness and optimised planning of resources as well as infrastructure. With the aid of these experiences IVI does simulations and analyses of the planned changes of the system in the project PrimAIR.

The Asklepios Hospital Group in Hamburg is a private hospital operator. By the in-house Institute for Emergency Medicine, it is actively involved in designing efficient and process optimised structures. The consortium thereby has an important partner for the interface between pre-hospital and hospital phase.

The Institute for Emergency Medicine and Management in Medicine (INM), University Hospital of Munich, is concerned with demand-based planning in the field of air rescue. The factor time and the necessity of an expansion of air rescue are of priority thereby. INM brings the insights gained from that work into PrimAIR, linked to their emergency medical experience.

Third scientific partner is the Institute of Rescue Engineering and Civil Protection (IRG) of Cologne University of Applied Sciences. IRG conducts, among other things, comparisons between different concepts of EMS. Aim is to identify universal relations and subsequently optimise the choice of a system. PrimAIR is also based on that systematic approach.

The project is accompanied by associated partners from different fields, providing advice to the partners. From the field of air rescue ADAC Air Rescue, German Federal Police’s flying squadron and DRF Air Rescue are represented. AOK Nordost, public health insurance, the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) and the Ministry of Labour, Equality and Social Affairs of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are available for political and financial questions.